Our Mission

Meeting the Need

LEDE’s mission is to expand access to skilled, culturally-relevant eating disorder care.

Eating disorders don’t discriminate: they affect people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, body sizes, racial and ethnic identities. People who experience stigma and marginalization— such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and fatphobia— are at greater risk of developing an eating disorder, and are often less likely to be diagnosed or receive treatment.

Despite this, the popular misconception that eating disorders primarily affect young, white, heterosexual, cisgendered women from middle-class and affluent backgrounds remains pervasive. As a result, eating disorder research and treatment models have largely excluded those whose identities fall outside the stereotype. In the United States, less than 20% of individuals with eating disorders are able to access treatment; individuals who experience stigma and marginalization are even less likely to seek care.

We need more providers, better treatment models and greater access to treatment.

What We Offer

LEDE provides specialized training in the treatment of eating disorders—grounded in best practices from scientific and social justice frameworks—to individual clinicians and mental health organizations.

Our offerings include clinical training programs, workshops, program assessment and clinical consultation.

Through education and professional mentorship, LEDE is committed to cultivating a diverse and inclusive community of mental health clinicians whose identities and lived experiences reflect those of communities we serve.

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Tell us about your needs and let’s talk about how we can work together!

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